Flecha Bajar


We can design and produce boxes and food packages for delivery in various formats, types and weights of cardboard.

Packing & Display Miami Super Signs
We design fabulous corporate gift packaging, decorative acrylic boxes, and special gift packaging for your company's clients. Your products will be in the best packaging thanks to the skill and creativity of our designers and production team. We are experts in the design and production of plastic and acrylic pieces engraved as trophies and recognition for participation, with MIAMI SUPER SIGNS you will get the best prices since we are manufacturers.
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Packing y Display


We are a company that designs and manufactures displays and backings for events, parties, photoshoots. We work with various working substrates, both rigid and flexible.​
Packing y Display
Packing y Display
Packing y Display
Packing y Display
Packing y Display
Packing y Display
Packing y Display
Packing y Display
Packing y Display
Packing y Display
Packing y Display
Packing y Display
Packing y Display
Packing y Display
Packing y Display
Packing y Display
Packing y Display
Packing y Display
The display works are all delivered with their support, either roll up banner systems (retractable) or buildable frames for greater comfort, portability and easy use in promotional events.
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Let's do business!

All rights reserved | MIAMI SUPER SIGNS
Developed by: XtrategiK SAS Xtrategik Agencia de Marketing